Wednesday, March 30, 2005

2 poems

The Prophetic
How often does scared and sacred touch? When the rays of the sun reach the earth in the form of lightning? Concealed and mythic are the relations between scared and sacred that belief stumbles into the room unaware of its reason for being there. Faith is scared for lack of a better term and finds its way by fear. Trust is never sacred and therefore unrelenting in its frightening role as faiths widow. Perception is the first body to decompose in a mass grave of indignities. A mass grave where the onlookers are to scared to be sacred.

Mirrors in a Drop Of Alcohol

A rare form of slavery is the act of denial and love. Mixed together they can form a bond, a foundation that will crumble under its own weight as worry and lust overcome the more subtle acts of depravity and death. Locust will decimate everything it flies by, rape will scar the victim long after the victim seeks revenge and truth will be denied by every honest man in his dreams. Angels will get caught in the machinery of life here on earth and be swallowed up by the rationing of fear that operates the will of man. Love is an exodus of snakes abandoning their skin by traveling through rough terrain.

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